Health & Fitness

9 Dirtiest Body Parts That We Never Thought Were Dirty

If someone asks what the dirtiest part of the body is, most people would answer “the anus”. However, the anus is not even in the top 5 dirtiest body parts. According to scientists from the Harvard University, there are more than 615 types of bacteria in your oral cavity, making your mouth the dirtiest part of your body. Here’s a list of the 9 dirtiest body parts that you never thought were dirty:


Our mouth is home to numerous types of bacteria that can harm your health. This is why it’s important to clean it often and well.

The armpits contain dangerous bacteria which cause our sweat to smell unpleasant. Deodorants and perfumes can cover the smell, but they won’t destroy the bacteria, which is why you need to wash the area well with a powerful antimicrobial soap.

The wax in your ears lubricates and protects the ear canal from bacteria, insects and water, making the ears one of the dirtiest body parts. Leaving them uncleaned can result in fungal infections, although the self-cleaning mechanism of the ears keeps the outer layer clean.

Both the mouth and tongue contain numerous harmful types of bacteria, and the tongue can even change color due to the presence of bacteria. When you’re cleaning your mouth, it’s best to clean the tongue as well in order to prevent oral problems.

Finger nails
The skin under the nails is very dirty, and the bacteria found under them can even be fatal in some cases! Clean your hands and nails well before preparing or eating food as it can be the reason between life and death.


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