Health & Fitness

8 ways to treat headaches without medication

3. Olive oil.

A study by the Divisions of Adolescent Medicine in Providence, RI found that olive oil, as well as fish oil, is effective at reducing the frequency, duration and severity of recurrent migraines in adolescents. The reason behind the success of olive oil and fish oil lies in the fact that both contain long chains of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, building blocks for hormones that regulate blood clotting, contraction and relaxation of artery walls, and inflammation, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

4. Lavender oil.

Just two drops of lavender in a pot of boiling water can be enough to soothe your throbbing migraine. Inhale the lavender vapors and feel relief wash over you, recommends Everyday Health. A study published in European Neurologysuggests inhaling lavender essential oil for 15 minutes is an effective and safe treatment for migraine headaches. It works because lavender has properties that reduce anxiety, stabilize mood, soothe muscle spasms, and reduce hypertension.

5. Eat more flax seed.

Flax seed is a superfood that has been used since the time of the ancient Egyptians to treat constipation, hot flashes and breast pain, as well as high cholesterol and migraines, according to Flax seed is high in fiber and omega-3 essential fatty acids, which improve brain function and lower the risk of heart disease. Wholesomeone recommends mixing flaxseeds in with a smoothie, oatmeal or even just with water to reap the benefits. You may be surprised that by introducing flaxseed into your diet, you can decrease the frequency of migraines.

6. Honey.

The Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy(FACT) has found that eating two teaspoons of raw honey during mealtimes can prevent migraine attacks. It is also effective at quelling symptoms. FACT recommends a heaping tablespoon of honey at the first sign of migraine symptoms. Honey does not need to be digested and absorbs directly into the blood stream, making it a quick and effective treatment. Honey is also soothing to the stomach, making it a perfect treatment for people who suffer from nausea during a migraine attack.

7. Peanut Butter and ginger.

This treatment might sound awfully strange, but holistic therapists swear by the combination as an effective migraine solution. Peas Health explains, that by applying a paste made from peanut butter and grated ginger directly to the temples, the body absorbs magnesium and arginine. People who suffer from migraines often have low levels of magnesium, as found in a study by the University of Maryland Medical Center, and according to Defy Medical, arginine is a chemical precursor to nitric oxide, which acts as a blood vessel-widening agent. Thus, a combination of the two can be just the right cocktail to release pressure.

8. Stretch your neck.

Muscle-tension can trigger or exacerbate a migraine. Stretch for 20 minutes twice daily to prevent a headache before it occurs and to relieve the pain once you’ve been afflicted. recommends moving your chin forward, upward and toward each shoulder, holding each position for five seconds and then relaxing for five seconds. You can also do shoulder shrugs and neck isometrics by pressing your palm into your forehead and against each side of your head.

People who suffer from migraines know how debilitating these headaches can be. In fact, according to the Migraine Research Foundation, 113 million work days are lost annually to migraine and other headaches. These home remedies just might offer you the relief you so desperately need.

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