Health & Fitness

8 Signs You Are Suffering From Depression Without Even Knowing About It

8 Signs You Are Suffering From Depression Without Even Knowing About It
You suddenly gain some pounds or lose weight. You could also develop an enormous appetite and feel constantly hungry regardless of how much you eat. Or you stop feeling hunger at all.

Nothing brings you pleasure.


8 Signs You Are Suffering From Depression Without Even Knowing About It
Even the things, activities, and people you used to love do not add joy to your life. You are constantly bored, tired, and have no desire to do your life-long hobby or meet your best friend.

Your mood is down.


8 Signs You Are Suffering From Depression Without Even Knowing About It
You feel constantly sad, anxious, or irritated and you can’t pinpoint a clear reason for that.

Your health deteriorates.


8 Signs You Are Suffering From Depression Without Even Knowing About It
You suddenly begin experiencing aches or pains, most commonly in your joints or back and you might have digestive problems. Neither of these has an easy-to-explain reason (like trauma or a fatty lunch) and they do not go away with the usual medical treatment.

Remember that to be a symptom of depression all of these conditions should be continuous. If you or your family or friends show signs of depression, it’s worth talking to a doctor who can check your, or their, state of mind and assign the proper treatment.

What is the treatment for depression and can it be prevented?

According to a patient’s particular situation, the doctor can recommend talking therapy or medication. Treatment can also include recommendations for extra physical activity, light therapy, pet therapy, electro- or magnetic simulation, and other kinds of treatment.

8 Signs You Are Suffering From Depression Without Even Knowing About It
There are a number of studies trying to provide prevention methods for depression. One of them states that some forms of depression, especially the so-called seasonal depression (the one which is intensifies during the cold and dark part of the year), can treated by the intake of vitamin D. However, don’t start taking the pills without consulting your doctor.
8 Signs You Are Suffering From Depression Without Even Knowing About It
Specialists recommend that people from depression risk groups consult specialists regularly. Any illness is easier to combat if it is observed from an early stage.

Have you noticed any of these signs in yourself or your loved ones? Maybe it’s time to consider going to a specialist – don’t take this condition lightly.

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