Health & Fitness

8 Important Signs Your Fingernails Can Tell About Your Health

A lot of people might not know about this, while the few who do might ignore it under the pressure of our hectic routines. But nails are an important form of indicator of some disastrous physical ailment that is cropping up in our body. This makes them even more useful other than merely serving to beautify our fingers.

To understand the message that the nail conveys, it is required to carefully note the edges, the color, and the bends in our nails. Also, we need to examine whether they are thick or thin which shows how brittle they are. They may indicate a major organ failure too, at times. Some of the important signs have been listed below.


This happens when there is a possibility of liver dysfunction or some form of lung disease that disrupts the breathing process. It causes the nail to get rounded around the nail bed thereby making it look puffed. At times, the surrounding skin gets inflated too.

Nails which are easily breakable are either a symptom of some genetically caused hormonal disorder or bacterial activity. Thyroid can lead to brittle nails, making them very dry and susceptible to breakage.


Perfect nails tend to have a smooth surface with no distinct ridges or lines on them. Edges on nails appear when a person is likely to suffer from arthritis or an abnormal condition of lupus when the immunity system of the body attacks its own tissues.



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