Hey. Do you have a bottle of mouth wash just laying around and don’t know what to do with it? You might think this is a weird question but there is a lot of things you can do with any mouth wash. Well, this article will show you some awesome hacks you can do with mouth wash.
Sink disposals usually smells disgusting over time. To fix this just do the following. Pour 1-2 cups of Mouthwash and also pour 1 cup of dish soap mixed with warm water into the disposal.
This will make the disposal smell better.
Want a cheap homemade laundry booster that doesn’t cost a lot. Well, Your mouth wash can act as a laundry booster substitute. To use your mouth wash as a laundry booster, just do the following. After putting your clothes in the washer.
Pour 1 cup of mouth wash inside the washer. Make sure you not to pour the mouthwash on white clothes. This will make your clothes smell way better.
Every Toilet has a bad smell after using them. This smell can even make your whole bathroom smell bad. Most times we just wait for the bad odor to go away. But with a bottle of mouth wash, you can make your toilet smell way better.
To clean your toilet the right way. You need to do the following trick. Pour 2 cups of mouth wash directly in the toilet. This will freshen the toilet.
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