Health & Fitness

7 Unhealthy Morning Habits you NEED to stop now

Do you ever go through the whole day wondering if you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed?

How you start your day is important.

There are a lot of things we (myself included) do in the mornings that can just ruin the rest of the day. I try my best to be as diligent and healthy as possible, but some days I fall off the wagon. Usually, its because I hadn’t drank enough water in the morning, or have neglected exercise. There are some morning habits that we need to break if we want to live healthier lives though.

I recently saw some advice on Facebook for things you should try to do in the mornings, and I thought “What are some things we really shouldn’t be doing in the morning?”

Here is my list of 7 things you need to STOP doing in the morning.
1. Looking at your phone.

This is a habit a lot of us have.

Looking at our cell phones, especially if the room is still dark, is one of the worst ways to start out the day. Using your phone in a dark room can speed up vision loss, and the blue light from devices can be toxic for your eyes.

Take a shower, eat breakfast, or exercise before checking all your notifications from the night before.

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2. Hitting the snooze button.


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