
7 Things You’re Doing That You Don’t Realize Make You Less Likable

Navigating social situations can be tricky. Most of us want to make good impressions and come across as likable, but there are things that all of us (seriously, all of us) do that can make people dislike us at times. And of course, wanting to be liked should never be your end-all, be-all. What other people think of you isn’t a measure of self-worth. However, while being adored shouldn’t be our guiding light, we also don’t want to go to the opposite extreme of being kind of rude or a jerk and not caring.

The truth of the matter is that most of us fall somewhere in between. We don’t want to be walked all over, but we also don’t want to do anything that will actively upset or alienate other people. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. The question then becomes: How do we know we’re doing something that could be bothering others? It’s one of the hardest questions to ask ourselves, because it not only may entail active change on our parts, but also requires honest self-reflection and potentially admitting that we’re not always perfect.

If you sometimes find it hard to connect with people, or you just want to be the most positive and relatable version of yourself possible, here are seven things you may be doing that could be making you less likable.

1. You Share Too Many Photos On Facebook

Studies have shown that we tend to find people who overshare photos on Facebook less relatable. Specifically, our relatives tend not to like it when we share a ton of photos with friends, and our friends tend to dislike it when we post a ton of photos with family. The solution? Either post as much as you darn well please and don’t worry about it, or become more judicious with what you post. Instead of posting 10 photos every time you do something in a group, post just one — or try not posting anything at all, and just be completely present in the moment. You might enjoy it.

2. You Complain A Lot


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