Health & Fitness

7 Sneaky Signs Of Ovulation And Fertility, Beyond Feeling Needy

A firm handshake is more than a sign of your confidence levels. As per a study conducted by the Colorado-based Adams State University, women with a tight grip when shaking hands aren’t just at their most fertile but also tend to have more children (4). A strong and bold personality can be taken as an indicator of good health, invariably hinting at high levels of fertility. Women give a lot of importance to strength when choosing a mate and this study proves that men pay special attention to strength too when selecting a partner.

5. Your Face Looks Prettier

A woman’s hormones continue to influence the shape and features of her face all through her fertile years, states a study conducted in England (5). The lead researcher of the study, Dr. Miriam Law Smith, says that women are constantly portraying their fertility status via their faces. She explains that women with peak levels of fertility tend to have full lips, bright eyes, plump cheeks, and smooth skin. And this happens due to the raised levels of estrogen during ovulation.

6. You Dance In A Sexier Way

Women at their peak fertility phases tend to dance in a sexier way, look more pretty and are less stressed (6). Studies have shown a correlation between the women’s attractiveness and their ovulation phase. A woman’s changing hormones affect the way they move and act. Don’t you think that’s a bonus? We all sway a tab bit more, I guess.

7. You Look Fitter

Upcoming occasions may motivate you to lose weight but so will ovulating! A new research states that women are more determined to lose weight during ovulation (7). The researchers believe this could be because women wish to attract a good mate and hence, they try to look their best. However, women on birth control pills and those not ovulating did not show the same enthusiasm to workout.

Reading the above signs of ovulating, all we can tell you is, it’s best to go on a date when you’re ovulating! Who knows, you might actually get that cute guy you’ve always wanted. Do you agree? Let us know in the comments below.

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