
7 Different Types Of Wrinkles And 4 Tips For Treating Them

The different types of wrinkles that you get can reveal a lot about you. If you’re somebody who frowns a lot or if you’re someone who laughs a lot, your wrinkles can show it. There are 7 types of wrinkles that can form on your face. Let’s take a look at what are these.

Forehead Lines: These lines run horizontally on your forehead just like what the name suggests.

Worry Lines: These lines look like an “11” in between your brows and extend towards your forehead. If you’re someone who gets angry or stressed easily, beware of these.

Bunnies: If you are someone who crinkles up your nose when you laugh or make other facial expressions, you might have the bunny lines.

Crow’s Feet: These wrinkles are the most popular ones (and the worst ones as well). They originate and spread from the corners of your eyes.

Laugh Line: These lines create an arch shape above your lips. If you’re happy and you know it, you’ll have laugh lines!

Lip Lines: These are vertical lines that spread throughout the perimeter of your lips.

Marionette Lines: These are vertical lines that are formed on either side of the lips and they become more visible when the cheeks drop down.

How To Prevent/ Treat Wrinkles?

Since we already know what are the factors that result in wrinkles, preventing and treating them becomes much easier. Here are four ways that will help you prevent or lighten the appearance of wrinkles.

1. Sun Protection

Apply sunscreen religiously and liberally. Make it a part of your daily morning skincare routine and wear sunscreen even if you’re staying indoors. Carry a small tube of sunscreen in your bag so that you can re-apply it whenever necessary. Always go for a sunscreen that protects you from UVA as well as UVB rays and has at least an SPF of 40 or more.

2. Moisturize Well

Keep your skin healthy and hydrated by moisturizing it. Dry skin can worsen wrinkles and keeping your skin can prevent or reduce the appearance of lines.

3. Quit Smoking

Smoking can increase facial wrinkling according to research. So, if you love your skin and body, make it an effort to give up the habit (2).

4. Follow A Healthy Lifestyle

Eat healthy, exercise, stay hydrated, rest well, reduce consumption of alcohol, and reduce stress. As we discussed before, your lifestyle choices can have an impact on your skin and the appearance of wrinkles. So, try to make it a habit to prioritize your well being the right way.

Even if you are careful about wrinkles, they are bound to appear someday. But do not freak out because this is how you are supposed to age and it’s completely natural. And if they bother you that much, you can always seek help from a dermatologist or cosmetologist to get surgeries, fillers, or other treatments done. In the end, it’s all your choice.

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