Health & Fitness

7 Bedtime Mistakes That Make Us Gain Weight At Night

Exercises and physical activity play a crucial role in weight loss, as they increase your metabolism and calorie burning. It’s essential to practice even the most moderate exercise on a daily basis, so if you walk for about 15 minutes every day, you’ll burn up to 100 extra calories. This adds up to about 700 calories a week and 10 lbs. of weight loss in one year.

5. Using electronic devices in the evening

Studies confirm that using electronic devices that emit blue light before sleep is linked to sleep deprivation and eventual weight gain. These devices interfere with the body’s production of melatonin, which is a hormone responsible for regulating sleep cycles. Instead of browsing through social networks before going to bed, choose to read an interesting book in print or listen to relaxing music.

6. Setting the alarm too late

Believe it or not, researchers say that people who are exposed to bright light earlier in the morning have lower body mass index, than those who’re exposed to light later. It’s proven that even 20-30 minutes of natural outdoor light affects your body mass index. So wake up early and go for a morning run!

7. Surrounding yourself with the wrong color.

The color blue promotes relaxation and, therefore, better sleep. It’s also the color that suppresses the appetite. Meanwhile, colors like red or orange make you feel energized and hungry. So you might reconsider the color palette of your bedroom from now on.

Which of these bedtime mistakes did you know and which of them were new to you? Are you going to change any of your evening habits after reading this article? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below.

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