Health & Fitness

6 Ways to Make Your Sperm Stronger, Faster, and more Fertile

Reduce stress

When you are constantly under a lot of stress or if you are lacking sleep, problems with the adrenal glands can arise and the sperm production will be negative affected. With this in mind, it is pivotal to find time to relax, sleep an hour or two more, and have fun with your loved ones.

Eat pomegranates

A better and healthier alternative to store-bought testosterones are pomegranate seeds because they prevent the testosterone from being turned into estrogen.


Regular workout will increase your testosterone levels and encourage the production of sperm. However, overtraining is known to deplete vitamins and stored hormones. Sometimes, when you spend too much time on a bike or in a spinning class, the testicles can become excessively pressurized. Consider taking a break if this is the case.

Do not wear underwear

Sometimes, loose cotton underwear or no underwear can stimulate production of sperm.

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