6 Ways to Make Your Sperm Stronger, Faster, and more Fertile
hen the sperm is not making it to the finish line, there are several lifestyle changes that can be of help. Namely, according to statistics, around 15 percent of couples find it difficult to conceive and in a third of the cases, the problem is in the sperm, according to the National Institutes of Health. This being said, we compiled a list with some of the best ways to boost fertility and increase the chance of pregnancy.
How to Boost the Sperm
Improve the mobility
The sperm needs to do its thing in 12 to 14 hours, that is, this is how long the egg is viable after it is released. The success is conditioned by the swimming speed of the sperm. To assist them, you should put away your smartphone because a Cleveland Clinic study points out that men who used phones had lower mobility of sperm, probably as a result of the electromagnetic waves from the phone.
Quit smoking
Smoking cigarettes and marijuana can lead to oxidative stress and damage the sperm. Namely, a study in the journal Human Reproduction indicates that regular marijuana intake can cause changes in the size and shape of the sperm.
Reduce stress
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