Health & Fitness

6 Parts Of The Body That Store Stress and Can Tell a Lot About Your Emotions

3. Lower back

The pain in the lower back can be caused by fear of loss and obsession with money. Money doesn’t buy happiness, so don’t stress yourself over it, or you might lose your health. Just do what you love and the profit will come.

4. Hands

Pain in the hands might indicate that you’re an introvert. You lack companions and you feel discomfort. Just come out of your shell! Solitude can only do damage to your health so try harder to make friends.

5. Knees

Inflated ego can cause pain in the knees. Remember to look around sometimes, because the world doesn’t turn around you. Pay more attention to your family and friends. Start giving more and we guarantee you’ll feel more fulfilled.

6. Feet

Pain in the feet might mean that you’re afraid of failures. Start paying more attention to life and start seeing the beauty in the small things. Smile more and try new things in life.

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