Health & Fitness

5 Warning Signs Indicating That Your Bones May Be In Danger

Bones are an essential part of our physique and they prevent the delicate internal organs from being harmed. Our bones become lighter and more fragile as we grow older and it is very common for osteoporosis to set in. This is a gradual process and you may only realize that it has happened when it interferes with your daily lives. These are some indicators you can watch out for to prevent the problem from becoming worse:

If your bones are aching, you can be certain that they are becoming weaker. This is a symptom of osteoporosis and the condition itself will only become evident when even a little force is enough to damage your bones. The Journal of Pain Research recently released a study which showed that people suffering from osteoporosis experience chronic pain due to deformations in their bones, unbalanced joints, and tense muscles.

Dental Issues

The root and nerves of each tooth are embedded in the gums which are fused to your jawbone. Weakness in the bones can make your gums start receding due to which you are likely to experience the loss and breakage of your tooth. The National Institute of Health’s research showed that women who are suffering from osteoporosis have increased chances of losing teeth. When the density of the bones decreases, the gums become weaker.

Weak Grip
Loss of bone density also causes your grip to become weaker and your bones to become more vulnerable to damage as a result. Studies show that weakening grip in your dominant hand is most commonly linked to the bones in your back, neck, and waist becoming lighter. Without the stability that your bones offer, your muscles won’t be able to hold up your frame.

Delicate Nails


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