Health & Fitness

5 Running Habits Worth Imitating

You may have read about runners who make racing mistakes, running form errors, or create running nutrition problems. But what about the runners who are doing it right?  How do some runners avoid injuries, run strong, and stay motivated to keep running? Here are some good running habits that can keep you running healthy and happy.

Habit: Running in the morning

Research has shown that runners who run regularly in the morning end up running more consistently over time than those who typically run in the evening. It makes sense. Mornings are somewhat predictable and your plans are less likely to get derailed. There have been many days when I plan on running in the evening and then I get stuck working or something comes up and I skip my run.

Another advantage of running in the morning is that it’s usually the coolest part of the day, which is great when you’re running outdoors in the warm weather. If you’re not a morning runner, try some of these tips for running in the morning.

Habit: Maintaining good upper body form

Successful runners know that proper upper body form is crucial to running efficiently and comfortably. Improper upper body form can lead to back, shoulder, and neck pain, both during and after runs.

Here are a few tips to ensure that your upper body is relaxed and you’re using the proper upper body form:

  • Keep your arms bent at the elbow at a 90 degree angle.
  • Shake out your arms or raise your shoulders to your ears every mile or so, and then put them back at their ideal, relaxed position.
  • Keep your hands in a loose fist, as if you’re holding an egg and don’t want to break it. If you have them in a tight fist, that tightness will radiate up your arm and lead to tension in your shoulders.
  • If you find yourself hunching a lot during runs when you start to get tired, you may need to work on strengthening your core. Try some of these core strengthening exercises.

Habit: Staying hydrated during runs

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