
5 Home Remedies For People Who Feel Tired All The Time!

3- Power nap

Sometimes all your body needs is a little energy boost. According to the ‘‘National Sleep Foundation, taking a power nap (a 20- or 30-minute nap) will give you the alertness you need to get through the rest of your day.

4- Energy snacks

When fatigue hits, snacking is a common way to try to stay awake. Unfortunately, too many people eat these unhealthy foods. ‘‘WebMD’’ recommends eating snacks that boost energy instead. Grab things that are high in protein and fiber and low in carbohydrates.

5- Exercise

Although this may seem contradictory, if you are struggling with fatigue, maybe you need to start an exercise regimen. ‘‘WebMD’’ shares that regular exercise actually increases energy and reduces fatigue. Start slowly and build up to a reasonable amount of exercise, but this should definitely hit your list.

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