
5 Foods You Should Never Eat If You Have Arthritis

Some veggies

Some veggies have solanine, a compound which causes negative physiological reactions in arthritis sufferers. These foods are peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplant. You can freely eat sweet potatoes, however.

Refined sugars

Processed sugar causes release of inflammatory messengers known as cytokines. Refined sugar is hidden on products under names like fructose and sucrose. To prevent this from happening, avoid eating pastry, candy bars, soda drinks, and store-bought fruit juices.

Tobacco and alcohol

People who smoke are at a higher risk of rheumatoid arthritis while alcoholics are more prone to gout.

Decrease AGEs

Advanced glycation end product is a toxin which is released when food is grilled, fried, heated, or pasteurized. It damages the proteins in the body and the body will try to break them apart with the help of cytokines-inflammatory messengers.

Eat These Foods Instead

According to the Arthritis Foundation, arthritis patients should eat more of these foods:

  • Fish like mackerel, salmon, and tuna
  • Tofu and edamame
  • Avocados, walnuts, virgin oil
  • Cherries
  • Broccoli
  • Green tea
  • Grapefruits, limes, and oranges
  • Brown rice and oatmeal
  • Beans
  • Garlic

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