
5 Best Essential Oils for Skin Tightening

As our age catches up, we notice various changes in our body, especially on our skin. Our skin loses its firmness and starts to sag. Although age is not the only reason for saggy skin, it is the most prominent one. Ageing can’t be stopped, but it can surely be slowed down.

And if you don’t want to spend your money and time on those expensive salon treatments, a good old oil massage can do the trick for you. But you need to understand that it doesn’t work overnight. You have to be patient to see the results.

An oil massage is a simple yet powerful way to bring the firmness back to your skin. Highlighted in this article are the best oils that you can massage into your skin to tighten your skin.

1. Avocado Oil

Avocado oil is one of the best oils for tightening the skin. It contains vitamins A and E that benefit the skin. It penetrates deep into the skin and nourishes the skin. The omega-3 fatty acids present in the oil help to facilitate collagen production, thereby, making the skin firm and youthful.

Method of use

Take some avocado oil on your palms and gently massage your face in upward circular motions for about 5 minutes. Leave it on for 1 hour. Rinse it off using lukewarm water.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil effectively moisturises your skin. It seeps deep into the layers of the skin and nourishes the skin. It has antioxidant properties that fight free radical damage, prevent sagging skin and signs of ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles.

Method of use

Take some coconut oil on your palms. Gently massage the oil on your skin in upward circular motions for 5-10 minutes before you go to bed. Leave it on overnight. Rinse it off in the morning.

3. Almond Oil


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