FoodHealth & Fitness

5 Benefits of Cocoa We Didn’t Know About That May Change Our Lives for the Better

5 Benefits of Cocoa We Didn’t Know About That May Change Our Lives for the Better

Asthma can be scary and life-threatening, but don’t worry — there will always be something you can do to avoid your shakes of doubt regarding asthma. Cocoa contains 2 special compounds called theobromine and theophylline, which are both considered anti-asthmatic. The first one, theobromine, helps ease the airways in your lungs and protects against lung cancer because it lowers the risks of allergies; while theophylline helps your airways relax and has anti-inflammatory qualities.

4. It may improve immune function.

5 Benefits of Cocoa We Didn’t Know About That May Change Our Lives for the Better

Cocoa is great for refreshing your immunity because it has antioxidant qualities that boost blood flow, make your gut healthier, and calm you down — and as a result, you will feel less stressed. There are also flavonols, our friends that are based in cocoa, and they are the main reason for better immune function. They help lower blood pressure, prevent blood clots, and reduce inflammation.

5. It can benefit teeth and skin.

5 Benefits of Cocoa We Didn’t Know About That May Change Our Lives for the Better

Cocoa is great for protecting your gums from cavities and tooth decay. It contains polyphenols that help fight against the acid that invades your tooth enamel (the white substance covering the teeth).

Not only does cocoa help your teeth stay healthy, but it’s also great for your skin. You’ve probably believed that chocolate causes acne, but that’s a proven myth. In fact, it can actually benefit your skin. It’s devoted to sun protection and the overall hydration of your skin.

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