Health & Fitness

4 Myths About The Coronavirus That Can Interfere With Your Safety

Although the number of patients with COVID-19 is growing by the minute, some people don’t take the pandemic very seriously.

A pandemic on the scale of what a novel virus like SARS-CoV-2 could end up being has not occurred since the influenza pandemic of 1918 that took the lives of some 50 million or more people worldwide. Since few of us were around then, and given medical advances in the form of preventative vaccines and antiviral medications since that time, it’s hard for us to imagine that a ‘flu-like’ illness could be so destructive,” explains Dr. Joseph M. Pierre, health sciences clinical professor of psychiatry at University of California, Los Angeles.

We’re constantly surrounded by information about the virus, but it can be difficult to recognize a misinformation. Experts are sharing the most common myths about the virus, so keep on reading!

Here are the 4 myths about the Coronavirus and the explanation from experts:

Myth 1: Coronavirus is just another flu

Although both cause respiratory illnesses, they are different.

“Differences between coronavirus and influenza and more common viruses still in circulation are that we know that the coronavirus binds to receptors in the lower part of the airways, and that accounts for the fact that so frequently, but not always, dry cough along with fever and fatigue are three of the symptoms that are most commonly associated with COVID-19. Having a runny nose is not expected with COVID-19 infection. Having muscle aches and pains is much more common with influenza. Having a productive cough, coughing up phlegm, can occur with COVID-19 infections, particularly late on, but it’s not typical with what the early course is,” explains Dr.Bruce E.Hirsch.

Coronavirus stands out with its mortality rates. The mortality rate is 3-4%, while for seasonal flu is below 0.1%.

Myth 2: It’s created by people

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