Health & Fitness

4 Anti-Aging Vitamins Dermatologists Swear By



With so many fantastic anti-aging serums and creams on the market, it’s tempting to put all of your faith in products and forget to nourish your body with nutrients that will truly make a different in your skin. It’s important to eat a well-balanced diet that contains plenty of vegetables, fresh fruits, protein sources, and healthy fats. But, if your skin is a concern, it’s equally important to assess your diet to make sure you’re getting enough of these four anti-aging vitamins, which can make a world of difference.

Before starting a vitamin or supplement regimen, most experts recommend visiting your doctor to talk about your concerns, options, and maybe even have blood work done to determine if you have a vitamin deficiency. If you are otherwise healthy and could benefit from a few additional supplements to help prevent signs of aging, here are four that should be on your list.



Bluebonnet Selenium ($13.18)

Selenium (in small doses) is incredibly important to the health of your skin because it has the power to neutralize free radicals that cause cell damage and cause the skin to age faster. The trace mineral, found in foods like Brazil nuts and spinach, has a number of health benefits that range from helping to fight cancer to healing burns and acne. But, as an anti-aging antioxidant, it’s a top choice. Try yeast-free Bluebonnet Selenium supplements if you suspect you’re not getting your daily dose of this mineral.

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