Health & Fitness

31 Long Lost Native American Remedies That Are Extremely Useful Even Now

Most of us are familiar with basic herbal remedies. We know that we need to use aloe as a conditioner for the skin, purple coneflower is used as a potent antibiotic and the bark of willow as an effective painkiller. But these basic remedies are dwarfed by Native American medicinal practices.

1. Alfalfa

This plant can aid digestion and help the blood to clot. It also finds its use in the remedying of kidney and bladder issues, in addition to aiding bone strength and arthritis. Our immunity is also boosted by this plant.

2. Aloe

The thick sap that can be extracted by squeezing out the leaves of the plant is useful in the treatment of insect bites, burns, and wounds.

3. Aspen

This plant containssalicin, the principal element in aspirin. The inner bark of the tree finds its use in treating pain, fever, and coughs.

4. Bee Pollen

Mixing bee pollen with food aids in boosting immunity, boosting energy, and aiding digestion. One thing to keep in mind is you could possibly have an allergy against it, in casebee stings cause allergic reactions in you.

5. Beeswax

Beeswax can be used for treating burns and insect bites. However, this must only be applied externally.

6. Blackberry

When the root, leaves, and bark are pounded and infused in tea, it can stimulate metabolism, treat diarrhea, and lessen inflammation. It can also be used to gargle for treating inflammation of gums, sore throat, and mouth ulcers.

7. Black Raspberry

The roots of this fruit can be smashed and infused in tea to treat general intestinal issues, coughs, and relieve diarrhea.

8. Buckwheat

The seeds of buckwheat can be used in soups or porridge to help blood clotting, reduce blood pressure, and relieve diarrhea.

9. Cayenne

This can be consumed with food or drank as tea. The pods find use in the relieving of pain. It also finds use in treating arthritis and digestive issues. It can even be applied on wounds in powdered form to numb the pain, acting as an anesthetic.

10. Chamomile

Chamomile tea can relieve intestinal problems and reduce nausea.

11. Chokecherry

Native Americans consider this an all-purpose medication. The berries are first dried, then pitted, and then crushed into a tea. This is used to treat inflammation, diarrhea, nausea, coughs, flu, and cold. It can also treat burns and wounds as a dressing.

12. Echinacea

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