Health & Fitness

30-Day Squat Challenge That Can Help You Get the Butt of Your Dreams

The best butt-shaping exercises are squats.

Target: Your glutes, thighs, and center.

Squats packed into a 28-day challenge can be the right choice for you to quickly and effectively shape your butt. This plan can be followed with regular workouts (running or lower body workouts) or doing it as a special workout. These exercises can even be performed at a coffee break as it will only take you 5 minutes for a session.

The First Week

The arms out Counterbalance Squat

–           The starting position is standing in front of the chair, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms outstretched in front to help balance the weight.

–           Squat until the butt comes in contact with the seat surface – but do not sit down.

–           As you go down, make sure your knees stay above your toes.

–           Returning to the starting position, push off your heels and squeeze your buttocks.

1st Day – 20 Reps

2nd Day – 30 reps

3rd Day – rest

4th Day – 20 reps

5th Day – 30 reps

6th Day – 40 reps

7th Day – rest

The Second Week


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