Health & Fitness

3 of The Best Home Remedies to Stop Vertigo Attacks Fast

Vertigo is a very unpredictable condition because it causes episodes of dizziness and loss of balance to occur spontaneously. These attacks may only be brief but they can happen frequently and make living a normal life extremely difficult.

The most common cause of vertigo is due to an inner ear problem such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV for short. Other symptoms besides dizziness and loss of balance that people with this condition will often experience include double vision, headaches, nausea, and slurred speech.

A lot of times vertigo is considered a symptom of another condition, which means in order to get rid of it for good you must treat the actual health disorder that is responsible for it. There are various diseases that can cause vertigo and some of the most common ones include:

  • Labyrinthitis
  • Blood Vessel Disease
  • Migraine
  • Meniere Disease

The best way to find out what is causing vertigo is to get a diagnosis done by a qualified doctor. Doctors have different ways to determine the cause of vertigo. Probably the most common way to determine the cause of vertigo is to have a blood test done. Sometimes a MRI scan of the head is done in order to determine the cause of this condition.

Medications for Vertigo Treatment

Prescribed medications are the most common way doctors treat patients suffering from vertigo. Medications such as meclizine, metoclopramie, and diazepam are often prescribed.

Doctors will also sometimes recommend over the counter medications such as Dramamine and Benadryl to treat vertigo symptoms.

However, the problem with these medications is that they’ll cause side effects if they are taken long term and sometimes they don’t help relieve the symptoms.

Home Remedies to Stop Vertigo


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