Health & Fitness

3 Minutes Before Sleep Simple Exercises To Slim Down Your Legs

Exercises can get boring and can also feel pointless at times. There are people who are addicted to working out who have to do it regularly but then there are the rest of us who prefer lazing around on the couch binge watching our favorite shows. But we want the rewards of working out too so here’s a solution. You can always do at home work outs that focus on the areas you want to tone.

The legs are an area that really need the work but are often ignored. The legs need to be strong enough to support the body through all the walking and running we do and slim legs look amazing. Exercising the legs will also help shed weight overall. Check out these simple exercises that you can do at home:

1. High-Knee
This exercises focuses on everything between and including your core muscles to your calf muscles. It helps you stay more balanced and speeds up your metabolic activity. To do a fairly basic high knee exercise, raise a leg, pull your knee into your chest and hold it there a few moments before bringing it down. Do this with your other leg and keep repeating the movement. Keep your back straight throughout.

Once this becomes easy for you, you can try more complicated exercises.

2. Squats

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