
20 Strange but Effective Everyday Uses for Castor Oil

If your parents ever gave you castor oil as a child, you know just how unpleasant it can be. What is great about this medicinal concoction is that it is filled with Vitamin E which makes it perfect for a number of things, although taking it orally may not be one of them. It is also filled with proteins, minerals and has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties that make it virtually a cure-all for anything that ails you.

The taste of castor oil alone is enough to make you ban if from your home forever, but there are a number of seemingly abnormal uses for this medicine that does not require you to taste it. Although it can still be used as a laxative (sparingly of course because it works really well) you don’t necessarily have to put it in your mouth to reap its benefits.

Some pregnant women choose to take castor oil to hurry up their labor, although every doctor in the world recommends against this. Because it works as a laxative, it can actually cause dehydration if you take it without actually needing the laxative effects. Otherwise, there are many different ways that you can put that old castor oil to work and you don’t even need a spoon.

1. Lubricate Scissors

Castor oil makes a wonderful lubricant for scissors. Because it actually can be ingested, it is much better for use on metals that touch food than other lubricants that should never touch your mouth. Just rub a bit on your scissors or other utensils and let it sit for a while and then wipe clean with a paper towel or clean cloth.

2. Soothe Eyes

Castor oil works great to remove tiredness from around your eyes. It works much like petroleum jelly but without the mess. Before you go to bed at night, just rub a little around your eyes and even on your eyelashes. Be careful not to get it in your eyes. It will soak in overnight and leave you looking and feeling a bit more refreshed in the morning.

3. Hair and Scalp Treatment


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