Health & Fitness

15 Signs Your Body Is Too Acidic (And What To Do)

Is your body too acidic? Many people have never even considered this question. The pH of our bodies is enormously important to our health, yet we hardly ever give it a second thought. Here’s why you should care…

The optimal condition for your body is a balanced environment that is not too acidic and not overly alkaline. If your body is overly acidic, you may be more susceptible to certain illnesses. You may also become deficient in certain nutrients. This is because when the body is too acidic, the body may need to take minerals such as calcium, potassium, and sodium from your bones to neutralize the acid. This can put your body under a lot of strain.
Because of the prevalence of the Western diet and an inactive lifestyle, many people today are somewhat acidic. If your acidity gets extreme, it is known as acidosis — a condition which requires urgent medical attention. If it is mild, you may not notice a problem at first, until you find yourself feeling worse and worse in unexpected ways.

Signs your body may be too acidic
-Feeling fatigued, even when you’ve had enough sleep.
-Depression or having a hard time enjoying things that you used to.
-Easily irritable for no discernable reason.
-Loss of focus or have “brain fog” often.
-You frequently develop infections, colds, and cases of flu.
-Dry skin even in the warmer months.
-Acne or other skin problems.
-Hormonal imbalance issues.
-Frequently developing yeast infections.
-Bad digestion, or frequently experience constipation or diarrhea.
-Experiencing short of breath often.
-Frequent joint pain.
-Chronic allergies or sinus pain.
-Having chronic pain is not due to an injury or a medical condition.

If you find you are experiencing multiple symptoms on this list, it’s time to check your pH. You can either have this done by a health professional or you can do it yourself at home. Purchase pH test strips that use your saliva or urine. Readings lower than 6.5 means your body is too acidic.

If your pH reading is significantly lower than 6.5, you may have a more serious case of acidosis. In this case, make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as you can. If the reading is 6.5 or slightly lower, you may be able to combat the problem at home (although it never hurts to visit a health professional you trust, just to be safe).

Here is how to get your body back in balance:
-Quit eating processed foods
-Cut out processed food if your body is acidic.

These are often acidic, and seriously, they’re not doing any of your body’s systems any good. Processed foods include fast food, boxed meals, and many packaged products. If there are more than five ingredients on the label, you’re better off skipping it. Make a commitment to cooking nutritious meals made from fresh ingredients at home. This is one of the most important things you can do for your pH and your overall health.

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