
13 Diy ice cube face packs for all skin types and skin whitening

#12 Coriander Ice Cube Face Pack

Pamper up your skin both externally and internally with these amazing leaves. Coriander leaves are quite effective in alleviating ageing problems, blackheads, sagging skin and much more because it’s fully packed with minerals, nutrients and antimicrobial properties.

  1. Soothes your skin
  2. Treats the sun damaged skin
  3. Removes the saggy skin, blackheads and whiteheads
  4. Slows down the ageing process
How to prepare

Grind a handful of fresh cilantro leaves by adding some quantity of water. Blend until it turns out to be a smooth paste. Transfer the mixture into an ice tray and let it freeze for 2hours.

#13 Rosewater Ice Cube Face Pack

Last but not the least is the most lovely and aromatic Rose water pack. Rose water adds up an instant glow and freshness to the skin. This water can be used for various purposes. It also acts as the best toner to the skin.

  1. Reduce pimples and pores
  2. Instant Glow
  3. No more oily and dull skin
  4. Best toner
How to prepare

Simply pour rose water onto the ice tray and freeze. Take an ice cube and rub over the face and neck.

Well, I can’t wait to try these. What about you? You must try at least few of these ice cube face packs coz they’re really amazing. So, Quickly grab them and get started!!

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