Health & Fitness

12 Week Workout Plan For Women At The Gym

Workout Plan

Day1 : Monday – Target: Upper Body

  • Barbell Bench Press -Sets: 3- Reps: 15,12,10
  • Barbell Row- Sets:3- Reps: 12, 10, 8
  • Dumbbell Lateral Raise- Sets:3- Reps: 12, 10, 8
  • Wide Grip Lat Pull Down- Sets:3- Reps: 12, 12,12
  • Cable Triceps Pushdown- Sets:3- Reps: 12, 12,12
  • Preacher Curl- Sets:3- Reps: 12, 12,12

Day 2 : Tuesday – Target: Lower Body and Abs

  • Squats- 3- 15,15,15
  • Lying Leg Curls- 3- 15,12,10
  • Leg Extension- 3- 15,12,10
  • Leg Press – 3- 15,12,10
  • Hanging leg Raise- 3- 20,20,20

Day 3: Wednesday- Rest Day

Day 4: Thursday – Target: Upper Body

  • Dumbbell Bench Press- 3- 15,12,10
  • One Arm Dumbbell Row- 3- 15,12,10
  • Shoulder Press- 3-15,12,10
  • Pull Ups- 3- 15,12,10
  • Dumbbell Standing Triceps Extension- 3- 15,12,10
  • Dumbbell Curl- 3- 15,12,10

Day 5: Friday – Target: Lower Body and Abs

  • Squats- 3-15,12,10
  • Leg Extension – 3- 15,12,10
  • Deadlift – 3- 15,12,10
  • Leg Press- 3- 15,12,10
  • Seated Calf Raise- 3-15,12,10
  • Leg Raise- 3- 15,12,10
  • Plank -3-120 sec each
  • Hanging Knee Raises-3- 15,12,10

Day 6 : Saturday- Rest Day

Day 7: Sunday- Rest Day


  • Week 1 – 3 cardio sessions. 3 x 30 minutes (90 min).
  • Week 2 – 3 cardio sessions. 3 x 30 minutes (90 min).
  • Week 3 – 3 cardio sessions. 3 x 30 minutes (90 min).
  • Week 4 – 3 cardio sessions. 3 x 30 minutes (90 min).
  • Week 5 – 4 cardio sessions. 4 x 30 minutes (120 min).
  • Week 6 – 4 cardio sessions. 4 x 30 minutes (120 min).
  • Week 7 – 4 cardio sessions. 4 x 30 minutes (120 min).
  • Week 8 – 4 cardio sessions. 4 x 30 minutes (120 min).
  • Week 9 – 5 cardio sessions. 5 x 30 minutes.- Intense cardio workouts (150 min).
  • Week 10 – 5 cardio sessions. 5 x 30 minutes – Intense cardio workouts (150 min).
  • Week 11 – 5 cardio sessions. 5 x 30 minutes- Intense cardio workouts (150 min).
  • Week 12 – 5 cardio sessions. 5 x 30 minutes- Intense cardio workouts (150 min).



A well planned diet can be very effective for weight loss. Diet is as important to this routine as performing each exercise with as much intensity as possible.

  • For an individual to see visible weight loss from this fat burning workout plan, it is necessary to eat a clean and healthy diet to enhance results. With a fat burning routine it is very important to take twice amount of protein.
  • High protein diet will boost your metabolic rate by 20-30%. The main point is, this elevated metabolic rate due to protein heavy diet will last for several hours after eating.
  • Protein rich diet will also help you suppress hunger and appetite for hours after eating. 
  • Try Carb Backloading: carb backloading is a tactical diet approach to get the biggest weight loss benefit out of every one of your workouts.
  • In carb backloading you limit carbohydrates through the day and wait to consume carbohydrates after a workout or much later in the day. When you eat carbs after a workout it will used as a fuel to muscle cells, this minimize the storage of carbs in fat cells.

The theory behind carb backloading is very simple, when you rest, the hormone called Insulin bring most of the carbs to fat cells where it is stored as fat.

But after a workout you will be in high activity state, so most of the carbs are delivered to muscles.Each night while you sleep, your body start burning fat. If you don’t consume carbs at your first meal, this fat burning continues.

It is also important to have one moderate carb loading day/week to confuse the body, thus stimulating metabolism and fat loss.

You need to eat a clean and strict diet to maintain proper calorie intake to stimulate the fat loss you are looking for.

Heavy carbs and processed foods should be stayed away. Drink plenty of water while performing this as drinking water helps to keep up your metabolism and hydrate your muscle tissues.

Combining these diet strategies with your workouts will give a boost to your weight loss journey.

Good Luck! Keep in touch and update your weight loss progress in the comment box.

If you have any doubts or questions about this 12 week fat burning gym workout plan for women please DM us, we are here to help you.



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