Health & Fitness

12 Week Workout Plan For Women At The Gym


This 12 week fat loss gym workout plan for women is designed specifically for fat burning and to build your desired beach body.

Abs are done twice a week. There is no need to train abs every single day as this will only strain the muscles.

By performing cardio in the end of the routine or early in the morning your body will use stored fat as fuel rather than any carbs or food that you eat throughout the day.

In case, if cardio become easier you can increase the speed or incline of the treadmill. You can also try high intensity interval training.

Fat Loss Gym Workout Plan for Female

Training Days: 3 Days

Routine Duration: 12 Weeks or 3 Month

Warm up: 5min warm up before you begin your workout

Rest: 60 or 90 sec between sets

Protein Intake: Take twice amount of protein

Sleep: 8 hrs

Daily Workout Schedule

Day 1 ( Monday): Upper Body

Day 2 (Tuesday): Lower Body and Abs

Day 3 (Wednesday): Rest Day

Day 4 (Thursday): Upper Body

Day 5 (Friday): Lower Body and Abs

Day 6(Saturday): Rest Day

Day 7(Sunday) : Rest Day

Workout Plan


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