
12 Best Crystals for Removing Negative Energy

INSIDE: We all want to reduce negative energy from our lives, and there are many natural ways to do it. Here are the best crystals for removing negative energy, so you can live your best life.

One of the most popular and sought-after uses for crystals is decreasing negativity and promoting positivity in one’s life.

Oprah Magazine lists positivity as one of the benefits in several of their top crystals. Many come to crystals for their ability to improve how they view themselves and how they view their lives.

So, what are the best crystals for removing negative energy? And how can we use them?

Below, we provide a list of 12 amazing crystals that can help us as we seek to make our lives more positive.

3 Ways to Use Crystals For Removing Negative Energy

Before we get to the 12 crystals, let’s talk about how to use them to clear away that negative energy.

Make a Crystal Grid

One way to use crystals for removing negative energy is by making a crystal grid. You can buy pre-made kits or just do the research on your own.

The crystals are laid out in a pattern of sacred geometry that better channels their metaphysical energy. You can create a grid around you or in front of you as you meditate or do yoga for even better effects!

Place Crystals Around Your Home

Another way is to place crystals around your house, especially by doors and windows. The ancients thought that spirits entered houses through their doors or windows and that it was important to keep them away with talismans.

Today, we can keep that negative energy away and ensure our home is a safe and positive place by putting gems by doors or windows too!

Wear Them!

Another way is simply by taking the crystal’s power with you. Rather than using it only in a grid at set times, or keeping it at home, wear your crystal as jewelry or keep them in your pocket.

Either way, the power of the crystals will come with you as you face the negative energy of the day-to-day.

Best Crystals for Removing Negative Energy

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