Health & Fitness

11 Things You Didn’t Know Could Literally Slow Down Aging

As the days go by, we all know that we’re not getting any younger.This means we not only need to start focusing on our internal health but what we put into and onto bodies. Especially in order to defy the aging process. So if you would like to know the secrets that women do who have defied the aging process really well?Here are the top 11 best anti-aging beauty secrets to literally slow down the aging process in record time!

11 Anti-Aging Secrets That Turn Back The Clock

1. Regular Exercise.

When it comes to defying the aging process and looking and feeling a whole lot younger — an active body is a young body.

When you are consistently inactive throughout the day, your body will not move like it once used too, since it will be so used to being inactive. And you may notice simple activities being more difficult than they once were. You may also notice significant weight gain.

This is where you have to take regular exercise into account if you would like to look and feel younger. More importantly, regular exercise is great for your heart health. Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States and as we get older, we need to exercise to keep the heart working at top capacity.

2. Drinking Plenty Of Water.

The body is made up mostly of water. This means it needs the right amount of water to function properly. Without enough water, the body can become dehydrated, especially the skin.

It can also cause fatigue, foggy thinking, headaches, and constipation. Experts suggest that women should drink 11.5 cups of water every single day and men should drink 15.5 cups of water a day in order to keep a healthy age-defying body.

3. Quitting & Reducing Bad Habits.

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