Health & Fitness

11 Safe and Fast Ways to Menstruate

Periods are super inconvenient when they are unexpected and worse when you have to go somewhere. The title says how to get periods fast, right? But can anyone tell me why would a girl ever want to get her period early, I mean do you have any answer?

Getting periods fast can be due to a number of reasons like going for a holiday or heading for an important meeting or looking forward to an upcoming event of yours. Yes, it’s nice controlling things and here are a few things that can help you get your periods fast. Everyone’s body is different so things that work for others might not work for you. Check out:


Papayas I love, I am so fond of eating papaya on empty stomach. By eating papayas, you can prepone your periods as raw papaya stimulates uterus contractions which further help in calling periods before the time. Since papaya has carotene that is well known to arouse estrogen hormone as a result of which you get your periods early and fast. To make papaya work, all you need to do is eat it raw or drink papaya juice twice a day. When you are expecting your periods start consuming papaya juice or one bowl of ripe papaya.


Ginger is not something everyone likes. But if you want to prepone your periods, it works wonders. Ginger is also called magic herb that has soothing properties for your body. Not only does it help in cold and cough, but also inducing periods. Have ginger tea on a daily basis to arouse menstrual flow and because it is emmenagogue, the results are incredible. If you face issues with delayed periods, ginger tea with a combination of parsley is most recommended.

You can either drink fresh ginger juice, raw ginger with honey or take ginger tea depending on your taste.


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