Health & Fitness

11 Foods That’ll Tighten Your Tummy


Isn’t this like a supermarket shocker? Well, vitamin C found in colorful fruits and vegetables like lemon, oranges, and bell peppers will actually help us in zapping a whopping thirty percent more of fats while exercising (4). That’s a boon to speed up your tummy tightening process, isn’t it!

5. Whole Grains


All you carb lovers out there, rejoice! Brown rice, oatmeal, bulgur, etc. contain filling fibers that help in keeping the body’s insulin levels low (5). Eating them will help shrink fat cells faster like never before.

6. Almonds And Other Raw Nuts


These nuts are excellent sources of proteins, magnesium, fiber, healthy monosaturated fats, and vitamin E (6). Consuming them will keep hunger at bay and they also provide you with a great source of energy to carry out your workouts efficiently and religiously.

7. Tomatoes


Tomato, a fruit, is regarded to be high in sodium, potassium, and water. It is a natural diuretic that helps to flush out excess elements that make the stomach bloat (7). To top it off, they are also rich in fiber and help in regulating digestion.

8. Quinoa

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