Health & Fitness

Garlic Kills 14 Kinds Of Cancer And 13 Types Of Infection. Why Don’t Doctors Prescribe It

Garlic is known to be an incredibly fruitful vegetable, which can give countless points of interest. The summary of afflictions that garlic can kill is long, and consolidates:

  1. Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)
  2. Thrush (Fungal wealth in the oral gap)
  3. Pseudomonas Aerigonosima, including drug-safe strains.
  4. Cytomegalovirus Infections
  5. Mycotoxin-related aflatoxicosis
  6. Helicobacter Pylori pollution
  7. Candida (Yeast) pollution
  8. Klebsiella pollution
  9. HIV-1 pollution
  10. Vibrio pollution
  11. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, multi-sedate resistantClostridium sickness
  12. Viral Infections: Herpes Simplex 1 and 2, Parainfluenza contamination type 3, vaccinia disease, vesicular stomatitis disease, and human rhinovirus type 2.
  13. Get-together B Streptococcus Infection …..

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