Health & Fitness

10 Warning signs you have an unheathy gut and how to build a healthy one again


If you have an unhealthy gut, you may have trouble losing weight no matter what you do.

The good news is that when people who are overweight lose weight, their gut becomes more balanced.

The bad news is that overweight people have a different balance of intestinal bacteria than people who are at a healthy weight.


Many studies link the gut health to autoimmune disease.

On the other hand, experts aren’t sure exactly what causes autoimmune diseases like Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus. But, they do know that autoimmune diseases occur when your immune system attacks its own healthy cells.


Frequent, an unhealthy gut can often cause unrelenting acid reflux. This is the explanation why nothing seems to help your constant heartburn.

A buildup of unhealthy bacteria in the GI tract and stomach cause acid reflux, bloating, and burping. Normally, acid-reducing medications can help this bacteria thrive. Generally, stomach acid kills the bad bacteria.

If you always neutralize your stomach acid, you actually allow that bad bacteria grow.


If your system is imbalanced, yeast can grow out of control. The imbalance in the gut can show up as fungal infections of the skin, digestive issues, constant fatigue or even fibromyalgia. This can also cause a condition known as candida.


You may have an unhealthy gut when you don’t have enough energy even when you’ve had good sleep.

When your gut has an unhealthy balance of bacteria, your body can stop absorbing the nutrients it needs from foods, leaving you tired all the time. Your unhealthy gut can also let in toxins through the intestinal walls, affecting your energy levels.


According to LiveScience, your gut microbes may influence your heart health. The digestive tract has 34 microorganisms which can influence the levels of fat in your blood.

Experts are also starting to find links between a higher biodiversity of gut bacteria and HDL, “good” cholesterol.


The balance of bacteria that you had in your gut around the time of birth may cause you having asthma. According to Dr. Hyman, balancing your gut can help improve asthma symptoms.

How can you build a healthy gut?

You probably want to know what to do about your unhealthy gut. Well, you need to make consistent healthy lifestyle choices, if you want to have a healthy gut. Let’s see the following:

Eat whole, nutrient-rich foods

Provide your body with the nutrients that it needs to operate properly by eating a variety of clean, colorful foods. You should know that chemically processed foods often contain compounds that feed the bad bacteria and cause imbalance.

Eat less sugar

If you eat sugar, you will feed the unhealthy bacteria. Try to eliminate it from your diet to rebalance your intestinal microbiome.

Chew your food

If you want to feed the healthy bacteria and promote healthy digestion, you need to chew your food well enough.

Stay hydrated

Drinking water is important for every bodily function, including maintaining a healthy gut.


Give your gut a chance to heal and rebalance itself by following a gentle detoxification program. It can eliminate many of the factors that are causing inflammation on a daily basis.

Drink apple cider vinegar

You can add a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and help your digestion to function properly. That’s because cider vinegar can boost the amount of acid in your stomach.

Consume more probiotics

Taking probiotic supplements or eating fermented foods can help restore the balance in your gut. The first place to start is taking a good probiotic, whether you make any of the above changes or not. The quickest way to reboot your system is adding in a probiotic because it will take time to heal your gut.

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