Health & Fitness

10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Sperm

Reproduction 101 tells us that we require an egg and a sperm to make a tiny human. Yet, a surprising number of couples that are actively trying to get pregnant seem to be concerned only with the health of a woman’s eggs.

Surprised, aren’t you?

Well, the fun doesn’t end here. Read on to discover 10 more shocking sperm secrets that they never bothered teaching you in s…..ex ed classes.

1. Sperm Can Help Prevent Depression In Women

Studies indicate that women who indulge in unprotected s…..ex (which, FYI, I do not advocate unless you’re in a healthy, stable relationship) or oral s…..ex are usually less likely to succumb to depression.

Researchers hypothesize this may be due to the fact that sperm helps raise prostaglandin, oxytocin and serotonin levels (read: happy hormones), which lead to stronger immunity, healthier moods, and just an overall happier you.

2. Sperm Can Help Boost Fertility

Your man’s semen isn’t just a vehicle for transporting sperm. According to science, it’s also involved in triggering the release of your egg from your ovaries. A recent study discovered that the proteins in semen could act like a hormonal signal for the female brain that stimulates ovulation.

3. A Majority Of Sperm Is Abnormal

Human beings actually aren’t that great at making sperm. Actually, they pretty much suck at it. Over 90% of sperm in any given ejaculation is malformed. That doesn’t mean a man is infertile, though; it’s pretty normal.

4. Sperm Can Aid In Implanting The Embryo

Many couples are discouraged from having more s……ex post an IVF treatment. However, studies indicate that semen, via several hormones and chemicals, can actually assist in the implantation of your embryo in the womb. So ignore all that well-intentioned BS and just listen to science, people!

5. Sperms Have Bodyguards

It’s only a minuscule 5% of semen that actually constitutes sperm. Additionally, sperm cells only carry half the DNA as other cells residing in the male body. All of this makes the sperm appear rather suspicious to the immune system, which is why semen contains specialized bodyguard cells that protect the sperms by building a barrier that shields them from aggressive immune cells.

6. Sperm Does NOT Last For Days


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