
10 things every husband secretly hates about his wife!

Hate is a strong word. But it might not be strong enough to adequately describe how much your husband cares for you. Yes, you read that last part right. Confused yet? Read on.He may not always express it, but here are 10 things your husband absolutely hates:

He hates when you’re in pain

When you’re in pain, your husband is, too – maybe even more so than you, because he can’t stand to see you suffering. He would change places with you in a heartbeat if he could. All he can do is try to help you get through whatever battle you’re facing. Don’t fight it alone. Let him be there for you.

He hates to see you cry

Nothing cuts deeper than when a husband sees his wife cry. He’s heard you silently sobbing in the bathroom when you think he’s still asleep. He isn’t. He knows how much you have on your plate and wants to reach out to you, but he doesn’t always know how. Let him know what he can do to help lighten your load. If anything, cry together — not alone.

He hates when you’re away from him

Your husband misses you like crazy when you’re gone. He might not fess up to it, but it’s true. He’s constantly thinking about you when either of you has to go out of town. That’s why his favorite part of each day is coming home.After all, he really married you for one reason: because he wants to spend as much time with you as he can.

He hates when you don’t believe in yourself


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