Health & Fitness

10 Surprisingly Effective Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol Level

Grapes can successfully fight high level of cholesterol due to the compound in grape’s skin that lowers cholesterol.

6. Red Yeast
Red yeast will help you reduce the level of cholesterol in a natural way. It will not only reduce the LDL cholesterol, but it will provide an overall health to your body.

7. Oatmeal
It may not be your favorite taste, but this powerful source of fiber will dissolve the cholesterol in the blood. If you do not prefer oatmeal, consume more legumes or some other foods that are high in soluble fiber.

8. Red Wine
A glass of red wine will raise the level of HDL (good cholesterol) and in turn lower the LDL cholesterol. The antioxidants in red wine will make you feel fresh and revitalized.

9. Regular Exercise
The key to healthy body and mind is a regular exercise. So, if you want to lower your cholesterol, make sure you exercise more. Try out jogging, and you will not only get some fresh air, but also you will tone your body. Regular stretching and many other exercises will do wonders for you.

10. Consume Food in Small Quantities
Instead of taking just two meals a day, take several meals. In this way, you will fight cholesterol naturally.

These ways will help you regulate your level of cholesterol and provide a good and healthy life.

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