- A can of flat black spray paint
- Clear holiday lights, size C9
- Clean soda cans
- A utility knife
- An unibit for your drill, 3/16 to 7/8″
How to make them:
- Drill the circle out of the bottom of the soda cans.
- Cut the soda cans on the top with your utility knife, right where they are beginning to taper (the edges will be sharp, so lightly bend them inward if you wish.)
- Spray the soda cans with the flat black paint and wait 1-2 hours to dry completely.
- If the things you would like to highlight are already set up, take the lights and the soda cans out to your display and figure out proper spacing.
- Take the bulbs off the sockets. Place the soda can over the socket and replace the bulb. The size of the hole is such that the metal of the soda can will not touch any metal on the lights.
- Position lights and test.

Civ’s Legend of Sleepy Hollow
3. Sleepy Hollow Scarecrow
What you’ll need:
- Metal post
- PVC pipe
- Pumpkin
- Black cloth
- Black and brown paint
- Sticks and straw
How to make it:
- Paint PVC pipe to resemble rotten wood and attach sticks horizontally to make ribs and arms. Decorate with straw.
- Stake metal post into the ground and slide entire assembled prop down over the stake.
- Carve pumpkin into jack-o-lantern and place on top of stake.
- Drape with black cloth.

4. Drunk Witch
What you’ll need:
- Witch’s costume (hat, cape, stockings, boots)
- Broom
- Prop arms and legs
How to make it:
- Dress arms and legs in witch’s costume.
- Attach to tree.
- Attach hat and cape to tree.
- Cut broom to length and insert under cape.

Popular Mechanics
5. Crime Scene
What you’ll need:
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October 19, 2022
2,004 4 minutes read