FoodHealth & Fitness

10 Potent Home Remedies For Allergies

An allergy is basically a reaction by the immune system to substances that are normally not harmful and as such, does not bother most other people. Example of substances that often cause allergic reactions includes; pollen, mold spores, dust mites, pet dander, insect stings, medicines, and foods.

Genes and environmental factors play a major role in having allergies. For instance, if both of your parents have a particular allergy, there is a high propensity that you would also have that allergy.

Furthermore, for millions of people, the environment plays a significant role in having allergies. For example, each seasonal change brings its own allergy triggers and irritants. Spring brings about airborne pollens, summer comes along with summer smog, autumn is dominated by dust and falling leaves while winter cold can easily exacerbate any allergic tendencies.

Common symptoms of allergies include; skin rashes, itchy eyes, sore or scratchy throat, wheezing, nausea, abdominal pain, nasal congestion, blisters, skin peeling, and coughing.

Here are some tips and good practices, to consider, when dealing with allergies;

  • Avoid drying your clothes on the clothesline as these would expose your clothes to pollen in the air.
  • You should strive to wash your clothes often as pollens tend to cling to them.
  • You could also monitor pollen levels especially during spring and summer.
  • You could use a neti pot for nasal irrigation if you have a runny nose or nasal congestion.
  • You could install HEPA (High-efficiency particulate air) filters in your home to help trap pollens.
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  • Below are home remedies and natural treatments for allergies;

1. Ginger


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