10 Habits That Can Turn Anyone Into a Someone With Bad Luck
They don’t put emphasis on the advantages of their body’s shape.
At first glance, there is a subconscious connection between success and your waistline. Professor of Health Psychology at the University of Surrey, Jane Ogden, claims that women with a thin waist literally convey the following thought to their surroundings, “I know what self-control is all about.” People looking at her automatically think that if she is able to control herself around sweets, she definitely has will power.
They agree to things that are outside of their interests.
To refuse or object to someone means to take responsibility for the consequences of their decisions. It’s much easier to smile and nod in response to others’ suggestions. That’s how you get the reputation of being a nice person who doesn’t rock the boat, and… that’s it. Friendliness is actually a ruse: people are not driven by the fact that they care about others, but by the desire to not take responsibility and by the fear of being criticized. That’s not a quality that is necessary to succeed.
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