
10 Crazy Hacks to not Look Tired and Droopy

Dehydration keeps you awake all through the day and night. Especially, during the nights, you’ll face irregular periods of sleep. So, that makes you look lethargic and tired when you wake up in the morning. To overcome this problem keep a large glass of water by your bedside and refill yourself whenever you feel dehydrated. Also, make a habit of drinking 2-3 litres of water each day.

  • Using expired Makeup

I think this is probably one of the worst reasons behind all the skin issues. Every Makeup product has an expiry date including the sunscreens. When you use the products which already got expired, your skin may prone to several issues like wrinkles, droopy eyes, blackheads and dullness. Check with your makeup products once in a while and declutter all the expired stuff.

  • High intake of Processed, Salty and Sugary foods

The processed foods and refined sugars will not only make you fat, they’re also dreadful for your skin. Such foods will leave behind the end products which can lead to collagen breakdown and that leads to skin breakout, wrinkles, and dullness. Eventually, your face looks tired as usual. The salty foods also will wreck havoc on your skin. They dehydrate the skin and makes it look dull and exhausted. So, don’t consume such foods in excess which ruin the appearance of your skin.

  • Sleeping on your stomach

Like the sleeping patterns, the postures you sleep is also equally important. Our body releases fluids from the bloodstream during nights. These fluids also get accumulated around the eyes and thereby you’ll end up with bags under your eyes. These eye bags make you look lethargic and tired.

  • A Cold/Flu

The seasonal allergies like a common cold, sinus, and fever will give you a dull and tired appearance as they create dark circles under your eyes. Certainly, if you’re experiencing continuous sneezes that will make you tired in some couple of hours.

  • Rubbing your eyes

Rubbing eyes though makes you comfortable, it darkens the area around your eyes which can make you look tired and gloomy. In addition, rubbing your eyes too often can damage your eyes since the eyelashes, dust particles and foreign particles present in the surroundings of your eyes can lead to scratches on the cornea. If there are some particles present in your eyes then rubbing the eyes won’t be a solution instead you will observe tears, redness and inflammation.

  • Staring constantly at the blue light

When you’re constantly staring at the laptop, mobiles and TV screens, the blue light emitted from those electronic devices will strain your eyes leading to dryness, blackheads and fine lines around the eyes. These make you look tired and gloomy. So, take a minute every 30 minutes to walk around. Also, don’t use any electronic devices before an hour of sleep.

Try these 10 Natural tips to not look Tired and Droopy


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